Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tim Woolley Update 73-9/12 -Barbaro Continues To Do Well! And A Call For Help From Mrs. Jackson

Update 642: Peter Brette did visit Barbaro, after a few races today at Delaware Park. He again noted Barbaro looked well and everyone seems happy with his current progress.

Rachel from Kennett Florist left this comment (update 72: timestamp: 8:36 pm)

Hay Gang.... I will get to Mike's party momentarily (lots to share)... but first and because it is the primary reason we are all here... Horses!

Mrs Jackson called Alie as we were walking in the door from MD. She is asking for your help. There has been a lot of talk about the Anti-Horse slaughter Bill. According to Mrs J it is going to go to senate soon. We need to put pressure on the senators to bypass the groups and go straight to the floor. She will send us a list of Senators by state and name and we will pas that info along (I know you all have that, but this is what Mrs J is passing along to us). She is heading back down to Washington at the end of the week. We will continue to share what ever information she wishes us to pass along.

We know there has been discussion on how to "call" ourselves, since Barbaromaniacs is a little on the non-senatorial side of things. There have been lots of ideas passed around, but Mrs Jackson requested we use Fans of Barbaro or Barbaro Fans. That way there is an official GROUP who are working toward the good of all horses. (You will always be Barbaromaniacs in my heart - as I am one as well!!)

Please, this is going to happen and soon. Mrs Jackson stressed the point we need to concentrate on is getting this straight to the floor and bypassing all the groups and committees. We can do this!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so happy that barbaro is doing good.