Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Memorial For Snickers- Beloved Angel Cat of Christina's (Ccero423)

"Hello !

I lost my beloved Snickers on July 7 at 11:00 am . He was with me for 13 or 14 years. He was a beautiful soul with a mind of his own and we loved each other very much. He had a precious and loving side that one could not resist but very bossy of the other cats.

Since Lucy went to the bridge, now there is just Mr. Foo, (that was Lucy's baby) and me, and now he is not feeling to good. Pray for us. Goodbye my Snickers, mommy loves you and will miss you so much.


Christina, so often when one of our pets makes the transition to the rainbow bridge, the ones who are left behind feel great loss, and grieve. We send prayers to you and to Mr. Foo for healing of your hearts and to feel the great love that you both shared with Snickers. Snickers would not wish you to suffer. He is once again happy, healthy and romping at the Rainbow Bridge with his new friends, safe in the knowledge that you will all be reunited at some future time. Go in peace, my friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

 Thank you Beloved Angels for posting this for me, yur words are comforting and beautiful. He did live a long life so I must have done a good job of loving and careing for him. I feel bad that I went on vacation and didn't know how ill he was untill I came back only to put him down but I have to live with that. He is not longer in pain and that I do feel good about. So God bless all of you for your time and heart felt words you did a good job. Christina.