Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Memorial For Sanuye and RP Cathouse

The proud and beautiful Sanuye  May 28, 2003 to July 8, 2006!

Rest sweetly beautiful one.. so softly .. and gently.. feeling the love in your heart that you will always have, and your "mom" will always hold you close in her heart too.


Anonymous said...

awww rip, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sanuye you were so beautiful and must have been so sweet. I know your mom will miss you dearly and you her. I will say a prayer for both of you and for mom to heal from the loss of you very quickly because I know that kind of pain is unbearable sometimes, especially at first. Take are lovely one and play with my Lucy and Snickers and the others at the bridge untill you see your mom there. Peace to both of you. Christina.