Monday, March 26, 2007

Please Send Glow and Prayers For Grayling- An Adorable Cat

Grayling is a ten year old, beautiful kitty who has been struggling with some serious health issues during the past few weeks. 

Grayling is now out of the  hospital and is responding to some intensely loving  home care given by her adoring fur Mom. Grayling  is even being entertained by some light reading. How considerate of her cat servant to provide these little extras.

We ask that you send some glow and prayers to surround this sweetie pie with love and white light.

Grayling, her FurMom, and I will be most grateful for your support.

You can read all about Grayling here: It is a wonderful article.
Sick Cat, Nice Haircut - Animal Hubbub


Anonymous said...

Dear Grayling, Please get well soon! Your friends, Peep, Zen,
Samantha, and Powder,  Love

Anonymous said...

My prayers and thoughts are with Grayling, and wishing her a recovery to an active and normal life. She looks like an angelic special cat with spirit and determination to overcome whatever health issues that have been dealt to her. Having a 10 year old cat that has been just diagnosed with the beginning stages of cancer, I know how hard it is feeling helpless when your precious family member has a serious illness. But with advances in medical treatment of serious pet illnesses, miracles do seem possible.  May the Lord bless Grayling in her time of need. S.D.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cat. Sending warm healing glow her way and prayers for her human servants. She is very precious looking amd she reads too.

Anonymous said...

As I was looking at Graylins picture and putting my hand on her I send her love health in every cell of her body that she maybe healed and be well again. Sending her Healing energies.

Anonymous said...

Hi, everyone -- What beautiful, beautiful messages -- thank you so much for your healing thoughts, prayers and energy! I'm taking Gray to the vet for a follow-up visit this morning, and we'll hope for lots of good news. I really appreciate your support. -- Marian, Grayling's Mom

Anonymous said...

I hope that this beautiful fur baby continues to do well. The lord does give us miracles I know he did for my Lucy cat when she was not expected to live past three months, well she went on for a year and a half but eventually she lost the fight, cancer. But I am thankful for the 16 years I had with her and she lives in my heart always as does her son and stepbrother. What a blessing and I know Grayling will give his best. What a beautiful cat and he is loved. Christina.

Anonymous said...