Sunday, April 15, 2007

In Memory Of Manny- For Larry

Let me tell you
about Manny, a cat
who left
paw prints on my heart
Manny was an orange Tabby
 and really fat
It has been one year
 since he did depart depart
Manny was only
eight-teen months old
when he died, a great cat,
 with a heart of gold
the vet said his heart gave out,
 he was better off
Manny was fun to have
he helped me make the bed
the correct way, his way
when I left the house, I  knew
he would always be waiting
patiently in the window
for eventual return
One day I went away for
 the day and when I returned
there was an empty space
in the window, where Manny sat
I knew, something must be wrong
The rest is too painful for to write
about, I'll tell you this, Manny was
the best friend to have around
I still look at the window when
I return home, another cat sets
there now, but Manny will always
be there beside her, companions
(copyrighted April, 2007)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sweet cat and a sweet story about him. He looks just like my cat Kidder. Kidder was my very first cat when I moved here. They always leave paw prints on your heart. My heart is full of them from all of my fur babies I have had and lost to the Lord but unforgetable they will be. He was so young to have left you. Maybe he heart was too big and full of love for you. Goodbye sweet Manny cat. Christina.