Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tribute to Zazz For Sue (Zazzpurrs)

Late August 2003 I went to my classroom to find one of my students sitting on the floor outside my door. In his cap was a little gray/blue kitten not old enough to be away from his mommy.  Brian had seen movement in the road as he drove to school and stopped his car.   He found this one little kitten that had survived... there was a bag with 3 other dead kittens in it.  

 Since I had taught Brian when he was 6  & 7years old and had had him again in 9th, 10th and then in 11th grade... he knew I loved animals, especially cats.He just lifted him up to me and told me with tears that he hoped I could help it.Needless to say, the past 13 years that cat, named Zazzoom by my class of gifted students,has been a part of my life.   

The first few weeks he was with me all the time, being fed and nurtured until he could deal with things on his own.That first day the vet and I guessed he was maybe 3 weeks old at the time.  
He grew into a really large cat -- standing on his hind legs his head would easily touch the door knob.  He was a muscular 20 lbs at his top form. The last few years he was more like 15 lbs.   

Zazz loved it when I got my first external modem ....he would come find it and lie down near it and purr (thus my screen name). The sound was just somehow pleasing to him.   
Zazz didn't care much about being around people unless I was around. The folks at the vets office knew this well... and would post a sign and make a game of it when he had to stay with them any length of time. (I did my best to make sure that didn't happen often).    

I was burglarized when he was about 4 years old; the burglar apparantly woke him up, for when I arrived home, there was one closet door closed -- in the bedroom-- and Zazz was behind it.   The other cats were in hiding, but could move about as the idiot had left all doors and cabinets wide open.  They came out when they heard my voice. I knew at once that Zazz had to have attacked him!  When police called me 4days later,you know I asked if the idiot had scratches on him. HE DID!!   Good boy Zazz!     

My darling brother who served 2 tours in Vietnam said he never thought anything would scare him again until he realized that Zazz didn't like people unless I was around. tee hee,  I didn't have to worry about anything with my darling attack cat!!

In the last year I had noticed arthritis had set in... his jumps were taking more concentration and sometimes he chose to do in 2  what he used to do in one.     

He is at the Bridge now with Sparkle and Sherlock and Shenandoah, all who took him into our house and taught him all the cat games. He is missed greatly by Esme and Rocky and his human, Sue.      




Anonymous said...

What a handsome guy.  And what a purrsonality.  I know what a gigantic hole the loss of such a great soul would leave in the heart of anyone who knew and loved him.  All too well. And I know he's forever in the hearts of all who knew and loved him, too.

Anonymous said...

Your cat is so beautiful and I know how much you are hurting and my prayers go out to you. We are the ones who are left behind to grieve they are no longer in pain and that is the only comfort that we have. Today I am grieving for a lost baby whom was put down by my neighbor. Orinially she was my Keke and I let him adopt her because I found her and I have 3 cats and a dog. I will miss her cute face.  She too was a gray baby with the biggest gold eyes, Persian and I cared for her for 4 years. I blame myself for giving her up in the first place but maybe it was her time. But this other person did not take very good care of her and she became ill. Sorry for your loss sorry for mine.

Anonymous said...

thank you for your comments.    It does help to have people arond who understand that loss is matter whether it is human or not.