Saturday, October 29, 2005

Journal of HOPE and Great love- for Fluffy!

Let me share a fantastic story of love and courage! My friend Laurentha adopted a handicapped kitten several months ago. She was named "Fluffy" and she has been developing  and growing into quite the "young lady" thanks to her purrsonal "slave" Laurentha.

Laurentha created a journal about Fluffy, which is a diary of Laurentha's experiences and progress with this amazing kitty. It is a fascinating read for all pet lovers, particularly those who have handicapped cats. It is an inspiration and a source of support for folks who have cats with special needs. My kudos go out to Laurentha for creating this journal!

Apaws to her and to the love and devotion that she showers on this wonderful cat.

Here is the link to the journal and a recent picture of Fluffy!

Life With A Handicapped Cat


Anonymous said...

Fluffy thanks you for this entry. While she's a bit higher maintenance then the rest of our cats I don't consider it as special. I'm just taking care of her needs. I found a wonderful online support group ( and OurBelovedAngels has been extremely supportive and introduced me to others who have cats with similar problems.

Anonymous said...

Fluffy is a very lucky brat- at that.......!!!
I also have a special needs cat - he has a growth in his throat and bad lungs
I must feed him a tiny bit every 2 hours -  he is mute but loves to meow, he would have been a talker-but i hear him open & close his mouth which gets all his messages across to me he insists on getting into strange perdicaments - I must keep an eye on him constantly!! He is very tiny but he is in charge of my other 6 cats!!
.......sort of makes ya love em even more...doesn't it???

Anonymous said...

Kudos ot you Laurentha for taking on Fluffy.  :)  At the vet hospital where I work we have a Himmie with the exact same injury with the exact same problems.  As I read the journal about Fluffy I kep thinking "Wow, it's like she's talking about Cutie Patootie!"  Good luck and if you ever want to talk to someone that knows exactly what you are going through, feel free to email me or IM me.

Anonymous said...

My love goes out to you and your precious baby fluffy. I know how hard it is to care for a special needs baby I have 2 of them right now. One with a tumor and one with a damaged kidney. We love them all the more for having the will to go on regardless of all the illnesses they have. They are so brave even more so than some people that want to just give up. I will pray for fluffy and all the speial needs babies as I do my own. Take care and may the angels guard you and your family. Much love goes out to you, also I you want to talk you can e-mail me.