Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Magnificent Hurricane Rescue Story!

This is so sweet!

The story begins with the rescuers finding this poor little guy that someone had

taken under their wing, but weren't equipped to adopt! 

so Ralphie, scared and nearly starved joined the rescuers...

I wouldn't think anything could live thru this...

but this kind lady did...

Dog #2..... scared, but safe :)

and no longer alone! "Instant Buddies"

Add two more beagles...

The more the merrier...

hmmmmm- a new traveler is added to the mix...
(note: the cat coming over the seat to visit...)- how is this going to work???

It's going to work just fine, thank you!

Life is Good!

Hope this brings a little sunshine to your day! 


Anonymous said...

These pictures are wonderful to see. :)

Anonymous said...

This story really did bring a smile to my face, and they all look as if they are getting along just fine all together. I am glad that they found each other and I hope they continue to have a happy life with people that love and care for them always. Life is good when even our fur babies say Yes we can just all get along!!!