Wednesday, September 7, 2005

A very touching story.. from Amy

This story came to me from my friend Amy. She was sending her beloved Lobo to the bridge, and was in her vet's office. This story moved me so much, I just had to share it, and with Amy's permission.. here it is.   <<Dear Friends:

     As you all know it was a heart breaking day for us. Our vet agreed that it would be best to put Lobo down, She said pain meds would help for a short time but I would be bringing him back in 2 - 6 months for the eventual results. She also said with the great increase in the amount of water he was drinking ( like 2 quarts at one time) it was possible his kidneys were shutting down also. Lobo was 9 years old and had a good life once he was rescued from his drug house beginnings.

     While I was talking to her she said she had three others to put down today also. A 15 year old retired seeing eye dog, a 200 pound Dane with heart and liver problems and a guinea pig that had cancer belonging to the 5 year old girl in the waiting room. It was going to be a hard day for her also.

     When I was finished I went out to the waiting room and there was this little girl sobbing her heart out at the loss of her pet. I walked over to her and asked her to come to me. I sat down and I put my arm around her and explained that the large dog she saw me bring in was making the same trip as her pet. (Mom and vet told her guinea pig was going to the farm). I asked her if it would be all right if he (Lobo) went with her guinea pig to protect her and show it where to go. She said yes, and hugged me. Of course you know my heart broke at that point. I had to get up and leave and as I did mom and the vet thanked me for talking to her.

     Like I said maybe it helped her pain a little. I know it took some of the sting out of my losing Lobo. Oh and I should mention that hubby ( who never gets emotional about animals) sat and cried in the car when I came out alone. Of course he wouldn't allow me to hug him and console him. I explained what the vet said and he just shook his head in agreement. Tears ran down his face for about the first five minutes of the drive home. By then he managed to compose himself like nothing happened.

     So I am now home with a massive headache which I am praying will go away by tomorrow. Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts, cause it helped me make the right decision. You all are wonderful people. Love you all!!!   {{{}}}


Pcf Rottie

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