Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Loving Memorial For Laddie: Prayers Requested for Carol


Laddie.. September 21, 1997 - February 20, 2008 

It is with both the deep sadness and love that I feel for my friend Carol, who's precious dog, Laddie now resides at the Rainbow Bridge. My heart weeps for her loss.

The words that she wrote from her heart touched me deeply and I felt sharing them here on this memorial for Laddie was a gift I could give from my heart.

"No one can be more devastated than darling be without you following me from room to room, seeing your things everywhere...I opened the refrigerator, and there were your string beans, your apples, your chicken...everywhere...your "bear head" is on the chair at the still has your saliva, and it will be there always...the bread sticks you loved so much....

Laddie will be buried at 4p.m. on my birthday, Monday. He was born on my daughter, Nancy's birthday. He entered my body through a direct hit to my heart, from the first day, when I saw him and left him at the breeder's because he was so big...and the next day drove five extra hours(because there was an accident on the Thruway) with my son-in-law, to lift him into my arms and take him home."

Please join me in sending Carol healing prayers.


Anonymous said...

this past June i lost my heart also. it is hard to let go!!! i am praying for you and thinking about you in the days to come. praying for comfort and peace for you!! Bless you for the love that you have for Laddie

Anonymous said...

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn's rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die...


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful memorial you wrote for Carol's Laddie..he will always remain in our hearts as he does his Mom's.  
I know her loss goes so deep and I wish so badly this had not happened.  How fortunate Laddie was to have her as his Mom - but knowing Carol - she would say "no, it's I that was the lucky one."  My thoughts and prayers remain with Carol, Jason, Tyler and sweet Laddie.   Lisa

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful memorial tribute to Dear Laddie and my friend Carol.  The bond between Laddie, Carol and the kitties, especially Jason was very strong, and I know their heart pain.  I pray for them all Peace of Soul as they travel this road of grief back to wholeness.

Laddie, I know you were greeted by many of my old friends...please tell them hello for me.  It is good to know you are no longer in pain and can once again run and play like when you were younger.

Hugs to you all.  NancyAnn

Anonymous said...

 I too have lost 3 of the most wonderful angels. We lost Candy, she raised my two boys. We lost True Grit, A Sheltie we loved so much. Then I lost my 2nd Sheltie just last year. He too was named True Grit. He died of bladder cancer. These happened at about a 30 year time frame. It is so hard to lose one. There are just a few special pets and it breaks our heart to lose them. I have not gotten another dog. I am 78 years old and I certainly wouldn't want to get another one and go to Rainbo bridge myself and go off and leave him/her. I understand your sadness and may God comfort you in this time of sadness. Pat

Anonymous said...

    Losing a beloved pet is so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I think we all have at one time or another suffered as you are right now. Remember all the good times, remember the funny little quirks that only Laddie had. You will never forget Laddie and healing takes time. God bless.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely memorial for Laddie.  My prayers and thoughts are with Carol.  I know how devastating it is to lose a beloved pet whose life is entertwinged with our own...God bless...

Anonymous said...

my friend.. I feel your lost of your sweet friend... such a pretty baby....
   I know of your pain in losing 3 to cancer... I had to start thinking that GOD needed them more that i.. that they were needed to help all the new fur babies that was so very scared in going home to GOD..
   Just know that your'nt alone.. please write anytime.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this beautiful Memorial for Laddie. My thoughts and prayers are with Carol, Jason ad Tyler.

I felt like I knew Laddie personally...I have so many pictures of him. I want to thank Carol for sharing part of Laddie with me.

I know how much Carol loved her Boy and, how hard this is for her. I pray that her loving memories of Laddie will comfort her and give her peace during this difficult time.


Anonymous said...

Dear Carol, I wish I could say something to ease your pain.  What a beautiful baby Laddie was.  I hope you find much comfort and peace in knowing that he is not suffering and that he knew that he was greatly loved.

With Love,

Barbara (tdstphns) in Georgia