Friday, January 11, 2008

Phantom: In Loving Memory for Marie

Phantom: July 22, 1991 - August 17, 2007

Written by: RIA P27

16 years ago, as tiny kitten with huge ears, you entered
this world in the basement of our neighbor's home, born to a
little cat of Siamese ancestry. On that day, we decided to take
you  into our home, and waited for you to wean.

When the fates took my 1st Maine Coon, Demon, from me when
you turned two weeks old, I almost changed my mind about
adopting you.

Despite my shattered soul that black day in August of 1991, 
I went over to play with you and your sisters, to ease a broken heart.
You gazed at me with baby blue eyes, that fateful  morning
Demon left this world, staring while your sisters scampered
around the room, as if trying to convey an important fact.

In those eyes I saw a flash of something – recognition, determination?
Perhaps both. I knew you belonged with us. We named  you Phantom,
for your  dark color. You earned the moniker F-4 Phantom Wild Weasel
when you scaled curtains and furniture to heights unknown
to other kittens, fearless and playful, and FAST! You and your
best buddy Khan, the big brown tabby Maine Coon kitten
you thought might eat you that 1st day home here,
turned into a two-kitten wrecking crew that exasperated yet amused us.

In the years that passed, your long lanky athletic body grew
into a big strapping muscular 18 pound cat who ruled the yard
and home with speed, strength and cunning that even the largest dog
in the neighborhood feared. I will always remember how big dogs
always looked to see if you patrolled outside before crossing
the perimeter of the property. In your sea green eyes, I always saw
a strong double spirit, indomitable and stubborn.

When Khan passed away, you mourned, and when little Kai
joined our home, you KNEW he was Khan reborn, come home
to you, to us.

You accepted him without protest, and you became good buddies.
He grew into a huge 22 pound big red Maine Coon, while you began
to shed weight as diseases crept into your strong body.

He misses you as we do.

Now, my heart shatters asunder once again, as you travel
into the beyond, and no kitten waits next door to catch
your soaring soul as you did Demon’s. In the end,
the diseases overwhelmed both life essences that kept you so stubborn
and strong.

Farewell -- my Pig Weasel who could outeat a sumo wrestler, my Talker,
with that strident Siamese voice that often sounded almost human, 
my Whale Boy, who chased all dogs from HIS yard, to my Furchild,
who always needed hugs and cuddles when sick. Soar high and far,
like the Fighter Jets we named you for. Fly on, fly free.

Fly in my soul forever my F-4 Phantom Wild Weasel, a special soul
born 16 years ago in the basement next door. This Christmas season,
in your flights through the ethereal world, when our
thoughts turn to your precious memories . . .
may you find your way back home.

your Momma always


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to a very special and precious soul. The evening sky has a new and bright star shining. It is Phantom's spirit watching over you all. When the pain and sadness fade the golden wonderful memories will only be a thought away.
What a beautiful and precious spirit that viisted you for a time.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to Phantom, a cat very special to you. Looking at his picture, no doubt he ruled his jungle, a pretty cat with a reserved determining look to be king of his jungle. May God bless Phantom as he takes his rightful place up in the heavens in Rainbow Bridge.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your wonderful words about my boy. He did indeed rule his yard with an iron paw and used all 18 pounds of his muscular athletic body to do so. Dogs feared him!
But with us, he was my little Momma's boy. Loved cuddling, and in his illnesses accepoted any treatments I adminstered with little complaint.
His so sorely missed even after a year.
Phantom's momma always