Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Memorial for Mr Foo- Cat- For CCero423

The last of my fur babies has passed on. Mr. Foo.

At 10:30 in the morning I held him and kissed him on his head then I laid him down and he left me. on August. 30th. I hope that he is with his Mom, sister and step brother. They passed within months of each other, Too many blows for me in such a short time and I have not recovered from Foo's Mom Lucy or Snickers yet.

I am angry at God right now for taking all of my fur babies from me. Foo was the most affectionate and loving soul, God how he loved me and I him. He followed me everywhere, especially after Lucy died as if he was afraid to be alone. I wonder if he knew his time was near? He even used to follow me to the bathroom. He would shove the door open with his head until he got in with me

So funny... he was so funny and always was a character. His love of life and his character was something to appreciate for he had a lot to give. I hope he felt me as I held him the last day, I was holding on as if that would bring him back but of course it didn't. He was with me for 15 years. Thank you Foo, for all the joy and laughter you brought into my life. I will never forget you and I will always love you.

This morning I cried like a baby for you. I finally let some of the pain go as I thought of what to say about you. I cried for Mommy and Snickers too but today it was you that I was missing most. God should not let his critters suffer so much. They have no sins. Well baby, mommy loves you and misses you so much

I will see you again and I do thank God for giving you to me. Good bye my baby. Run and play and say hello to Lucy, Mom and the rest.

Mama Christina


Anonymous said...

Bless you......your entry brought me to tears.  It's so hard losing them.  

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about your loss of Mr. Foo. we all react about he same. We are mad that our precious angel is no longer with us and yet, they always are. In our hearts and minds and memories they are as loved as if they were still with us.
Please know that I am sending loving comforting glows of warmth and caring your way.
Mr. Foo was met at the gates of the Bridge by a host of beloved angels and welcomed with opened paws. There is a new and bright star in the heavens these nights. It is Mr. Foo watching over you.

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry to hear of yr loss,..still greiving yr last.
Mr. Foo will be in yr heart will see him at the bridge
he is comfortable with his Mom, Sister & Step brother, He might have missed them enough to want to feel young again to run & play over the bridge with them!!
They are deffinetly together
My heart goes out to you - I know they are all missed very much by you, I was upset reading about Lucy & Snicker's and now i am really feeling your pain to hear of Mr. Foo's passing
Be strong - They are in a better place!
Maddy- (Mykittenstripe)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.  I just lost my Bel, and I know how this hurts.  My thoughts are with you.  Cherish every moment of the 15 years you had together.


Anonymous said...

I want to thank everyone who had so many special things to say about Mr. Foo and all the love they sent to me. It gave me such comfort to read all of them and to know that someone cared enough about what I was feeling. I took me a while to bring myself to write something as if stalling would somehow make it not true or finallize it, I just held on to the pain untill I couldn't anymore. Thank you everyone for your love. And thank you Jo for your help with putting it together for me. I was not sure which photo you would want to use but the one you chose was my first choice too, Wow!! Love Christina.

Anonymous said...


It took me five years to write an article about losing my beloved horse, Patti. Somehow I felt that writing the article sooner was just not right for me. I had to hold onto some kind of memory of her being alive, and the writing of the article released her somehow in a way that served us both.

Thank you for the beautiful words. They touch me deeply.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.
Pets are such an amazing part of our lives, it's so hard to let them go.