Saturday, September 23, 2006

"Please Come Back To Me..I Don't Like It Here"- by CherylJone2

This is an extremely touching and poignant poem that eloquently speaks to the Horse Slaughterhouse Issues that have been in the forefront of the news. Please share this with your animal loving friends. It is extraordinary. It was posted on the Tim Woolley Forum.

"I haven't been able to shake the images of the Kaufman 400.   It's such a sad commentary on humanity.   When the novelty of having companion animals wears off, when "responsibility" becomes a "burden", the "problem" becomes disposable.  It just kills me.  How can humans be so cruel to loving animals?"


"Please come back for me….I don’t like it here"

By: CherylJone2

You loaded me in the you have hundreds of times…
We've  ridden the trails, the meadows, the beaches, quiet roads, quiet days…
You didn't’ stay with me this day.. You left me here in this place….

Please come back for me,…I don’t like it here

There are many like me…did you think I needed their company?
So close, so warm, yet some shiver…

Some look frightened..some tired…some bewildered, like me

Please come back for me…I’m frightened too.

We’ve beentogether for so long..I can’t help but look for you..

I want to see you stroll back, bridle and lead in hand to take me away…
I promise I’ll never resist the trailer ever again…

Please come back for me..

Your children wove their tiny fingers through my mane…
They sat on my back, their laughter like bright sunshine…

It was long ago, they’ve gone on with their own lives..

Do I have no more purpose in yours?

I promise to stay well..I won’t eat so much…

If you keep your commitment to me that you swore to when I was young..

Love me, feed me well, I’ll do my part..I won’t colic, I won’t founder, I swear..

Please come back for me..I don’t think I can live without you

There are men here who look strange, as though they know things..
Some are gruff, some look sad…it’s just a job that they do

It’s not a good place, I don’t know why…but I know

Please come back for me…I know you will

The days go on…You don’t come…I’m so frightened…so scared

I’m tired, but I can’t lie down…I can’t lie in warm sweet-smelling straw
The smells here are bad…there’s no comfort here, no rest, no love

Did I betray you? Disappoint you? Please forgive me..come back for me .I love you still.


Anonymous said...

This is a powerful poem, although difficult to read. I hope it reaches the eyes of those who can do the most good

Anonymous said...

If they could speak, I am sure they would say exactly the words in this poem. I hope it wil touch the hearts of people that are in this situation, and help save the lives of some of these magnificent animals.

Anonymous said...

If we can do this to our animals who want nothing but to give love and be loved back , what is it we are capable of doing to each other. As the tears roll of my face I pray that God's Grace and mercey be with us all . May God bless the writer of this blog and Thank you for sharing your companion.