H P Miou: OK.. how did you find Fluffy?
Fluffy: >^,,^< Meow
H P Miou: or how did Fluffy find YOU?
Laurentha: My son's friend's cat had kittens so she was right down the street.
H P Miou: So did you decide to adopt one of the kittens?
Laurentha: Not really. My son wanted one but we already had 5 cats so I initially said no
H P Miou: OK so tell me more about this.. this is fascinating..
Laurentha: There was one that he wanted and brought him home for me to see. That kitten disappeared :(
H P Miou: Oh no......
Laurentha: As did others since they were outside
H P Miou: Not good to have kittens and Mom outside
Laurentha: I know that and you know that but this woman refuses to have a litter box in the house
H P Miou: Purrhaps that lady need to look for another pet.. but ....
Laurentha: They are NOT very responsible pet owners!
H P Miou: So how did you come across Fluffy?
Laurentha: As I said, she was one of their kittens. They actually had two litters at the time.. The cats do go in and out of the house. After she had been injured, they continued to let her live outside. My son decided that if she was going to have any chance at all that she needed to be at our house so he brought her home.
H P Miou: What was her injury like?
Laurentha: The injury was an accident. The son swung his bedroom door closed, she ran thru the door right at that time and got caught in door. It caught her right before her rear legs and broke her spine. Besides rendering her unable to support her backside she also became incontinent.
H P Miou: Oh my, how sad! What did your vet suggest?
Laurentha: By the time I got her it had already healed and her right rear leg was hyperextended so there wasn't much that could be done. The fracture was right before the bladder which is what was causing the incontinence. She did give me suggestions on how to work with her to TRY to get her on her feet.
H P Miou: Well that was good that she offered you alternatives to a much less positive outcome.. so what did she suggest? Was she supportive to your adopting this baby?
Laurentha: She is VERY supportive. She does rehab on spinal injury dogs and has incontinent dogs herself. She attempted to show me how to express her bladder. To try to get her walking, she told us to basically use her tail as a handle. Get her up, hold the tail and try to get her to walk that way. However, she was not very positive that it would really work but felt that it was worth a try. I do still do that with her some but it didn't work well.
H P Miou: So Fluffy, how do you feel about all of this? Was it hard for you to begin your rehabilitation?
Fluffy: Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I don't like it at all but it is fun to go for a ride once in a while. And I can get places a little faster with some help!
H P Miou: What is the hardest thing for you, Fluffy, in your condition?
Fluffy: I can't jump which is a bummer. I can get up on the beds by climbing but it is hard work. I know this person means well but I REALLY hate when she puts a diaper on me and squishes me to make me go pee and poop.
H P Miou: But you know she loves you, right, Fluffy?
Fluffy: I guess so. It sure beats living outside in the dirt. OH heck... I know she does!
H P Miou: While I know this has been a "bummer" for you in many ways, I see that you really are becoming adjusted to your handicaps and are making quite a bit of progress. I admire you for your courage. This being said.. You seem to be an "emissary" for pets who are handicapped, Fluffy. What do you have to say to folks who may be considering adopting a "handicapped " pet? Do you think that "special needs" pets offer people something that they will feel good about? Do you have any suggestions for folks considering adopting or keeping a handicapped pet in their homes?
Fluffy: Well, you know, a lot of people wouldn't bother. Dr Carolyn's partner is one who doesn't think I'm worth all the bother. That makes me go HSSSSSSSSSS. I am happy and healthy just like a person that has a similar type problem.
My biggest suggestion is to talk to others, read, read, read. There is great support on the Internet for people to help them take care of cats and other pets like me
I am lucky because I a lot of kitties have much worse problems then I do but they can still be loving and loved and lead very good lives with the proper assistance.
H P Miou: Boy, Dr. Carolyn's partner could learn a thing or two from your experience with a caring kitty Mom, Fluffy. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to talk with us this morning. I have one more question for your "Mom" so you can go back to sleeping or enjoying your lunch. You have been so helpful in sharing your story with
me. Do you have anything else before you go to share?
Fluffy: I can share tons. LOL (and Fluffy goes back to sleep)!
Laurentha: Fluffy came to us totally unexpected. I really had a crash course in how to take care of her. In retrospect, I am glad that I did take her in. While she is a royal brat, she has a personality that just won't quit. Taking care of her doesn't really involve much more time then the other "healthy" ones. The big thing is to keep her clean She is more susceptible to urinary infections or impacted feces but since I've learned how to express both bladder and bowels, that lessens the risk there.
H P Miou: What would you say has been the best part of your adopting Fluffy? What have been the most difficult for you?
Laurentha: I guess the best part is knowing that were she not here she would most likely be dead now. The most difficult has been in learning HOW to take care of her special needs. I am lucky in that her needs are much less then others I've heard about.
H P Miou: I just want to applaud you for what you did for Fluffy, Laurentha.. and it really demonstrates that it is "ability" that counts... not disability.. but I wanted to ask you about Internet support and how folks may find that vital connection. Do you recommend any particular websites or support groups?
Laurentha: I sure can!
H P Miou: GREAT!
Laurentha: www.handicappedpets.com is the place to start. Besides having all kinds of products for disabled pets of all species, they have excellent support I belong to two yahoo groups -Handicats2 and CatsWithParalysis. Both are moderated groups.
Laurentha: There are other really good yahoo groups out there also The groups are wonderful for support. There are very caring people who can help answer questions
and give advice. I would really be lost without all the online support as they have been instrumental in helping me learn how to care for her. OH... one other thing....
H P Miou: sure.. go ahead .. please!
Laurentha: If your vet says to put down your pet just because there is a disability, find another vet! I will no longer see my vet's partner because of that attitude!
And yes, adisabled cat CAN live very comfortably in a multi-pet household!
Fluffy: (Wakes up and looks at Laurentha) Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
H P Miou: Thanks Laurentha! I agree with you. Purrhaps a vet that recommends Euthanasia just because a pet is disabled should find another profession. I think that educating veterinarians is part of OUR task too that we can have loving, meaningful relationships with all animals who are special needs, and in fact, often times that relationship is enhanced and deepened. Bless you for your love and I think that pets find us. who need us.. and I hope to get updates on Ms Fluffy as you can.Take care and thank you for your time!
Laurentha: Thank you for letting us tell Fluffy's story.
H P Miou: It is an honor, actually!
Laurentha: OH.. And if anybody wants to contact me about the groups, I hope they do so. I will help anybody at all that I can. They can reach me at Laurentha@aol.com
H P Miou: Thank you again..
Laurentha: Your most welcome
H P Miou: Have a great rest of your day:)
Laurentha: Bye
Sunday, August 20, 2006
An Interview With A Handicapped Cat-Fluffy, and her FurMom- Laurentha
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what a wonderful story...that is one lucky kitty...and one lucky kitty mom.
If ONLY there were more folks that feel about animals as WE do. <sigh>
What a wonderful, heartwarming story. This wonderful little kitty is so lucky to have a Mom like this. I hear gutwrencing stories of animal cruelty on the news all the time, and it saddens me to no end. HOw can people hae the nerve to see a little Yorkie walking around, pick it up, and kick it like a football? Or drive over an overpass, and throw puppies onto the interstate 30 ft. below? This one is horrible. Someone found a little dog, that someone had poured hot grease on it's back, and all it's hair was burned off. How wonderfully kind you are to take in this beloved little Fluffy. How I wish there were more stories of love for our beloved pets such as this one, than hearing about the horrible tragedies, and disreguard of others. Laurentha, is a true blessing, and I wish you all the very best life can offer you.
Oh Fluffykins your Auntie loves this story. Sending lots of love your way. Your an inspiration to all of us.
Laurentha and Fluffy, you both did such a great job on the interview!!! Fluffy is very lucky to have made a place in your home--that is a given--but you are lucky too. You have a kind heart and are more than willing to help anyone (cat, dog, etc.) included. You have shown me that you can do anything with flying colors and that people shouldn't give up so soon!
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