Saturday, April 1, 2006

"Hal Never Had A Chance"  (News)

"Hal Never Had A Chance"  (News) :


This breaks my heart. What are we doing to these magnificent animals that we must  protect? Sport hunting is the cruelest "sport" that man has invented. Talk about animal cruelty. Isn't it GRAND to have tropies in the den to display? Never mind that a species is in danger of becoming extinct due to our stupidity and lust for game!

My prayers are with Hal. May be be free, happy and with his own kind again at the Rainbow Bridge. He is much loved by so many . He has touched MY heart.

More about the Coyote to follow.


Anonymous said...

I was just surfing the AOL journals community and I came across your journal. I have been following Hal's story in the news and I too was very saddened to learn that he had passed away.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment! We are praying for this little one as he gets welcomed and accepted to the Rainbow Bridge, where so many of his friends reside. Our wildlife is so precious. We need to care for them and make sure that they are safe and sound.

And as we build more and more, and ruin our natural habitats,  more of our incredibly beautiful creatures will be destroyed.  It is a shame and a disgrace that their lives seem to be expendible to build another shopping mall. BIG SIGH!
